Sunday, March 17, 2019


There is a story of a son who was once challenged by his father. The father asked the son to carry a rock from the middle of their garden to another side. The son took the challenge and attempted to move the rock but to no avail. The father encouraged him saying "Son, use all your strength, and move that rock." The son obeyed and attempted to carry the rock, but again, to no avail. The son complained, "Father, I could not do it. I am too weak." Again, the father cheered him: "Use all your strength." In his third attempt, the son perspired profusely in pushing and rolling the rock, but the rock proved to be immovable for the son. And finally. the son surrendered: "I cannot really move this boulder. It’s too heavy for me." The father retorted "Son you haven't used all your strength. You haven't asked for my help yet. Remember, I too am your strength."

Every day, in our life, we face a lot of challenges, doubts, and questions. When things go beyond our way, when problems and situations we encounter prove to be greater than ourselves, to whom do we go and seek for help? Do we even dare to acknowledge that we need help in addressing our situations or have we relied solely on ourselves, believing that we can do all things on our own? 

In the book of Ether (C:12 14-16 23-25), we read how the queen laid prostrate on the ground, together with her handmaids, from morning until evening, begging God for assistance that she may persuade the king in favor of the Jewish people. She implored God to save them from the hands of their enemies, turning their mourning into gladness and their sorrows into wholeness. Queen Esther knew that by herself, she did not have the words and courage to move the king in favor of her people. And so, she turned to the Almighty God.  
It takes a humble heart to admit before God that we cannot do things by ourselves. Humility demands the truth. It entails an admission of our weaknesses and self-insufficiency; a truth of our being. That is difficult in the modern world, where strength is demanded from everyone. Our life as Christians would always mean dependence on God, for by ourselves we cannot accomplish anything. With God, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13-17).

In the Gospel (Matthew 7:7-12), Christ encourages us: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." The Lord is our strength, that is if we dare to acknowledge Him as such.

On the day we call for help, the Lord will surely answer us. Who is your strength? Have you used all your strength? Don't miss God as your ultimate strength.

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