Tuesday, January 20, 2015


A teacher assumes a lot of roles in realizing his/her profession, more so his/her vocation. I named some these roles below:

Decision maker - Planning, Assessing and Reporting 

A teachers decides on many aspects of learning inside the classroom. These decision made are very much related with Planning, Assessing and Reporting, particularly in the Planning. At the planning stage, the teacher takes into consideration and decides on the various factor that would affect the learning process. 

Judge of Achievement - Planning, Assessing and Reporting 

A teacher as a judge of achievement assesses and reports the performance of the students in the learning process. By assessing and reporting, a teacher is able to determine the level of learning the students achieved and failed to achieve. 

Counselor - Diversity of learner 

As a teacher counsels students, he takes into consideration the uniqueness of each student. He responds to their varied needs. By doing so, the diversity of students is recognized and respected.

Moralist - Learning environment 

The facilitation of learning morality involves the conducive moral atmosphere created inside a classroom. The teacher should be able to create an ambiance that would facilitate to such kind of learning, e.g. house rules, classroom routines etc. Thus it is important that the teacher is able to create such atmosphere inside the classroom, indeed even outside. 

Model for the Youth - Social regard for learning 

What could be the most effective instructional tool of the teacher if not his very self, his words and action as a teacher, as a person. A teacher should be able to live a life very much consistent with the things he teaches, with the profession he embraces; being a teacher. Thus by practicing what he teaches, he can be truly a model for his students, worthy of emulation. 

Person of Culture - Community linkages 

Learning does not involve only of data found on papers, produced by pens. It involves the events that occur in the community of the students, experienced by the students. Thus, a teacher should be possessed knowledge of the students’ experiences in order to facilitate a learning that does not float in the air (abstract) but a very much concrete (visual/living) learning. 

Community linkages - Community Linkages 

By taking into consideration the context/situation where his students are in, a teacher is able to build a link between the learning processes inside the classroom to the homes, local communities where his students actually live. In this way, the things learned by the students are not alien to them and to their communities. Learning becomes more relevant to their lives for it discusses/tackles something that is very close to them; their very own experiences in their locale. 

Mediator of Culture – Community Linkages 

The teachers should be conscious to the culture and aspiration of the students’ community, including their sensitivities, values system etc. He can utilize whatever is good in such culture, in the learning process. In this way, the teacher contribute to the growth of the students in knowledge and skills, rooted in their local cultural and traditional values systems. At the end of the learning process, the teacher is able to produce students not alien to the community but students very much conscious of the riches of their own community, of themselves.

Did I missed a role lived by a teachers? Name them in the comments below!


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