Thursday, September 5, 2019


We have a new building in Letran. But actually, it is a renovated one. It is the renovated old gym. It looks modern and beautiful today. However, before the renovation, we faced a quarter of opposition from some alumni and administrators. They thought transforming the gym into a building for students is a bad idea, as their old gym will be gone; the old gym where they had formed a lot of memories. Their reasons may be valid, but maintaining an old gym proved to be a great burden for the finances of the Colegio. And so despite some oppositions, we proceeded in renovating and building a new building on the old gym. We demolished some walls and windows. We removed old tiles. We removed the old and defective parts of the gym that it may be suitable to house classrooms. And so soon, we shall inaugurate a new building in Letran that stands on an old gym. Some of those who initially opposed the renovation and building construction now show enthusiasm upon seeing their old gym turn into a modern and beautiful building.  Changes indeed often meet oppositions, but if we are convinced that what we do is right, we proceed in realizing such change.

After exhorting people about the demands of Christian discipleship, Jesus said he brings forth fire, division, and chaos to the world. It is a different message and point of view from the usual theme we hear in his messages that promise fullness of life and unity with the Father. Christ desire to bring God's creation back to the Father necessitates the process of renewal; of recreating creation. To recreate, renovate and rehabilitate, we are to confront the evil things that may have caused harm to us. We are to eradicate them. And in that process, before the renewal, we may encounter painful confrontation with opposing ideologies and personalities. Such desire to restore all things in God will certainly meet resistance from those who choose to cling to the sinful ways they have been used to. As forest fires ushered in the rejuvenation of a forest as it burns old branches and twigs, so too are our hearts swept by the fire Jesus brings to us, the fire that purifies us and makes us fertile ground on which the seeds of Good News may grow. More than destruction, the fire that Jesus brings to us purifies us and empowered us. It allows us to be on fire, passionate to preach about God’s message and His desire to be with us.

Not everyone will welcome that fire from God; the fire that destroys evil and purifies creation. Such is the case in the life of the prophet Jeremiah. A part of being a prophet and of announcing the message of God is the risk on one’s life. A prophet announces inconvenient truth which people may have to hear but not want to. For that, he may offend them, or worse, he may be misunderstood. Such is the case of Jeremiah when princes thought he was demoralizing soldiers when he exhorted them to obey God and save their lives by fleeing from the city which had been condemned to fall under the Babylonian swords (cf Jer 38:4-6,8-10).

Though we maybe in danger, as we fulfill our vocation as prophets, the Lord comes to our aid! He will protect us and save us from anything or anyone that may cause us harm.

Thus, we are to persevere in running the race that lies before us. So great a cloud of witnesses surrounds us which serves as our inspiration to finish the race. They had done so, and so we could too, so long as like them, we fix our eyes on our goal: Jesus. Jesus is our ultimate model and inspiration to persevere in pursuing a holy life; our Lord who resisted opposition against Himself even if it means shedding His blood on the cross.  Consider how he endured such opposition from sinners so that we may not grow weary and lose heart (cf. Heb 12:1-4). With Christ’s example, we are encouraged not to give up as persecutions, trials, and tests come along our way in our path towards heaven.   

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