Saturday, August 18, 2018


God gives us different responsibilities that rightly correspond to our capacities. He does not give us a burden that we cannot handle (1 Cor 10:13). He has a tailored fit plan for each of us.   There are no generic formulas only special treatments. Every person is special, unique, unremittable, for God has a unique plan for each of us; married teacher, consecrated lay, a nurse who later became a nun, a chemist who found God in the chemicals he mixed, and billion other unique stories. Though many, all these are united to His overall plan of salvation for man. In these responsibilities God entrusts to us, He demands fidelity and commitment. Christ speaks of fidelity in commitments we make; fidelity in marriage (Mt 19:3-12); fidelity in God who cares for us (Ezekiel 16:59-63).

In all that we do, we ought to plant our feet and stand firm, but be sure you are standing in the right place (A. Lincoln). Thus, before committing oneself to a relationship or a responsibility, think about it a hundred times. Think, assess if you can accept and fulfill its demands, feel whether it is for you.  

Why do we betray God or the persons to whom we have committed ourselves? Why would a spouse look for another partner? Why would a priest leave the active ministry? Why would parents give up on their children? Sometimes, we fail to dedicate our whole self on the things we do, on the life we live, because in the first place it is not for us. We embrace something that is not meant for us, something God never intended for us. You entered medical school because it is what your parents wanted, but your heart beats for architecture. You never wanted to have a tattoo, but since everyone in your circle has, better have one. You keep on insisting to run the family business, but you never had any inclination in accounting. You have always been good at dancing but you keep on singing just so you can compete with your siblings. As we embrace things which are not meant for us, we experience difficulty, sadness, dissatisfaction. We may achievements from time to time, but there is a part of us that is unsatisfied. And we try to fill that part with something else; with incongruous things in the life we have embraced. Without us knowing we lose track of the life we have embraced, and of the life, we ought to embrace. We become unfaithful. We break our vows. All these because, in the first instance we fail to discern what is meant for us, what is God’s plan for us.     

When we realize what life God is calling us into, we experience joy, though it may demand sacrifices. The responsibilities in our vocations that God gives become more than chores to be fulfilled but means towards perfection, holiness, a joy in the Lord. Though how burdensome other people may see our responsibilities, there is an inner force that motivates us to continue. There is a meaningful purpose that inspires us.  

Should you grow weary in bearing the responsibilities in your life, pray that you may remain faithful! Beg the good Lord to give you strength to carry on, to remain enthusiastic (be full of God).

St. Hyacinth is a Polish Dominican priest. In the midst of burning church, Hyacinth was able to carry the Blessed Sacrament on one arm and a heavy alabaster image of Our Lady. Hesitant to carry the heavy image, as he admitted that he could not carry it by himself, he heard a voice saying “My Son will lighten the burden.” And so, he was able to carry the heavy image and brought safely out of the burning church. The life of St. Hyacinth teaches us that there is no burden too heavy for us to carry if and only we admit our weakness and humble enough to ask for help. As God’s entrusts us with various responsibilities, He never meant we shall go solo. He establishes a Church, a community, a family who would strength each other as they live the life God has given to them. We can do things joyfully with the help of others, especially of God. Our community helps us to lighten each other’s responsibilities.  

May we remain faithful and committed in the life God has given to us. May we plant our feet and stand firm on the right place God appointed to us.

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