Thursday, December 21, 2017


There are thousands of reasons to give up humanity from generation to generation. When you look around, you cannot but be like Jesus in the gospel, utterly disappointed. Our society and the entire humanity may seem to be hopeless and giving it up is the only option left to us.

But despite our seeming hopeless condition; our disappointing actions, God never gave us up. Even though we disobeyed His commandments with much gusto, God continues to exert effort to redeem us, to save us. He does so because He sees in us hope. He could have destroyed us and simply create a new creation, but He did not. God sees in us a redeeming factor.

Truth be told, there are no hopeless cases in this world. There are only people incapable of seeing hope and opportunity in every crisis in life. In us, hope springs eternal (Alexander Pope in An Essay on Man, 1732). We can always find fresh causes for optimism, as God does. Let us not give on each other because the moment we give up on us is the moment we lose hope in our capacity to change for the better.     

Isn’t this is the very reason why Jesus came to this world?
God sees hope in each of us. Everyone has a redeeming factor worth holding on.
From this redeeming factor, hope may spring forth and salvation will be at hand.
What is your redeeming factor?